Storage Solutions

Big Data analytics delivers insights, and the bigger the dataset, the more fruitful the analyses. However, big data storage creates big challenges: cost, scalability, and data protection. Here, TheGigabit provides you an affordable, highly-scalable storage that’s simple, reliable, and compatibility with your system.

What is Storage Solution?

Big Data analytics delivers insights, and the bigger the dataset, the more fruitful the analyses. However, big data storage creates big challenges: cost, scalability, and data protection. Here, TheGigabit provides you an affordable, highly-scalable storage that’s simple, reliable, and compatibility with your system.

Cloud Storage

We provide object as well as block storage solutions to store large volumes of data on cloud servers to cater to your high-volume data processing needs and budget.

Offsite Backup Storage

We provide a cloud storage space for you to reside all your important backups online. In case of any downtime on your premise, your data is still safe, accessible and secure within our cloud storage.

NoSQL Database Storage

Relational databases are not always the best solution for storing high volumes of unstructured data. We help you store large volumes of data on NoSQL cloud databases that help in dynamically processing unstructured data with ease.

Hybrid Storage

We help you store your big data on a combination of bare-metal and cloud storage taking the best features of both to cater to a range of performance needs.

Private Cloud Storage

We help you store your data on the private cloud environment which offers the same advantages of a public cloud including self-service, scalability and multi-tenancy, but is dedicated to your organization.

Contact Us

Having questions? We are always ready to help you no matter what issue you are facing.
Email us : [email protected] or you may fill up the enquiry form, our sales personnel will get in touch with you.